Richmond taking pictures: Two dead, 5 injured after high school graduation

A tragic capturing incident unfolded in Richmond, Virginia, as a man opened fire on a crowd following a high school graduation ceremony, ensuing within the deaths of two individuals and accidents to five others. The attack happened on Tuesday near a theatre adjoining to the Virginia Commonwealth University campus, the place the graduation had been held.
Police apprehended a 19-year-old suspect in reference to the capturing. He is anticipated to face charges of two counts of second-degree homicide, among other offences, according to interim Richmond Police Chief Rick Edwards. Describing Unexplained ’s actions as “disgusting and cowardly,” Edwards revealed that the dispute gave the impression to be with only one particular person. The victims who misplaced their lives were aged 18 and 36.
The injured individuals included a 31-year-old man who sustained life-threatening accidents and 4 other males aged 14, 32, 55, and fifty eight, who have been anticipated to survive. A nine-year-old woman was additionally hit by a automotive amidst the following chaos, while a number of others have been injured in falls or suffered from anxiety. The suspect fled the scene on foot however was later captured with four handguns in his possession, three of which may have been fired, although Edwards stressed that the investigation was still in its early levels.
The shooting occurred in Monroe Park, located throughout the street from the theatre and adjacent to the college campus, following Huguenot High School’s commencement ceremony. Richmond Public Schools Superintendent Jason Kamras stated that the ceremony had concluded, and the newly graduated students were outside taking photographs with family and associates when the capturing started..

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